Tax, insurance, and investment planning all under one roof.
"Leave feeling better"
(401) 246-1040
20 Newman Avenue • Bldg. 2 • suite 2001 • Rumford • 02916
Retirement Planning
At Woodard & Clark, we will sit down with you and get to know you and your goals. A little retirement planning now can make a huge difference later, but with daily responsibilities and competing financial priorities, it can be hard to know when to start and, therefore, easy to put off.
Woodard & Clark can help you develop a solid retirement savings strategy that can help you have enough income to live comfortably after you stop working.

Click here to find out information about our upcoming social security seminars.
Do you worry about outliving your savings?
At Woodard & Clark, we can show you how to use money that you've already invested and/or saved and put it to work for you to use in everyday retirement living.
Every client has a unique assortment of pieces in their lives that is our challenge to put together to make the perfect fit. As you live your life throughout the years, it's like your puzzle pieces are spread out on the table and we systematically interlock them to form the picture that is your retirement, the result of all your years of hard work.
That is what we do, what we thrive on.
Reduce your cost of living in retirement
Most people fear, since they won't be earning as much in retirement, that they will run out of money. We can help you with strategies and real life solutions to reduce your cost of living to allow your money to go further.
Where does life insurance fit in?
We can show you the best policies that fit with your age, your health, and your income. We can help you to determine what your goals are for life insurance and how life insurance can be more than just a way to leave money for your kids, grandkids, or others.
Life insurance can be a fantastic tool when used the right way to ensure that your spouse is taken care of or to leave a large chunk of money to your heirs. We can explain all of this to you and get you into the right products for you and your family.
Social Security
Do you know there are 81 different ways that you can begin drawing social security? Do you know that you can start drawing social security at a younger age or that the year of your birth dictates what age you can begin drawing full benefits? Did you know that if you predecesase your spouse that she/he can draw from your benefits? There is so much to know about how social security works and we are here to help you understand. Our frequent social security seminar is a fantastic place to start and it's free to anyone over the age of 60 (call the office at (401) 433-5858 to see when the next one is being held).
Medicare can be complicated. Do you know what you are eligible for and when? Do you know that sometimes there are steep penalties for signing up late? Are you aware that you can get comprehensive plans to suit your needs or supplemental plans if the plan you have selected doesn't meet them all? We also offer educational seminars (call the office at (401) 433-5858 to see when the next one is being held). Woodie can help you decide which type of Medicare plan is right for you and is here to answer any and all questions and help you get the right Medicare plan for you.
We don't just give you information and send you on your way to get things done. We do it with you. We can get all of these things for you and help you make the best, most-informed decision for your unique situation. At Woodard & Clark, this is what we do.