Tax, insurance, and investment planning all under one roof.
"Leave feeling better"
(401) 246-1040
20 Newman Avenue • Bldg. 2 • suite 2001 • Rumford • 02916
At Woodard & Clark, meeting the needs of our clients is our top priority. We are a family owned and operated business and it is our goal to treat our clients like they are one of the family and their needs are just as important as if they were.

John F. Woodard, Jr., CPA*

John "Woodie" Woodard retired from the Providence Fire Department in 2012 after more than twenty-one years of service, to embark upon a career in Accounting and Financial Planning. While he earned his CPA* back in 1999 and worked as an accountant along side his father-in-law Gary Clark for all the years that he was concurrently on the department, it wasn't until towards the end that he discovered Financial Planning and realized his love for it.
As a firefighter and a rescue officer, Woodie loved to help people. He received many accomodations over the years for his service and was widely recognized for his competency as an EMT. Always having an analytical and mathematical mind, he used those skills as the Treasurer of the Fire Department and helped them negotiate a contract that had gone far too long without a resolution.
As a Investment Advisor, he continues this love of helping people and combining his mathematical abilities and analytical thinking to help people plan their financial futures and make their money work for them, so that they may enjoy a comfortable retirement and prepare a legacy for their children.
He and Gary teamed up many years ago and started R. Gary Clark Associates, CPAs, an accounting partnership which they still run together. They make a very good fit, as Gary is also a CPA*, in combination with having a JD in law which helps to further round out the services that they can offer together.
Woodie decided to make an umbrella company with Woodard and Clark that would allow his clients an apportunity for "one-stop shopping" when it comes to taxes, financial planning, retirement planning, and legal services.
In his free time, Woodie loves everything sports. He is an avid golfer, soccer player and basketball player. He loves to watch almost any sport on t.v. and he loves to cook..
He is married with two teenagers, two cats and a golden retriever.

R. Gary Clark, Esq., CPA*

R. Gary Clark has been a CPA* for more than forty years and received his law degree from Boston University. Shortly thereafter, he began working for the state of Rhode Island and within a few years was promoted to Assistant Tax Administrator and then to Tax Administrator, a position which he held until his retirement in 2006.
In 2006, Gary's son-in-law Woodie joined him in establishing an accounting practice that became R. Gary Clark Associates, CPAs, the tax arm of Woodard and Clark.
Gary works on all phases of accounting, personal, business and estate and is always available to his clients, not only with his broad range of knowledge and experience, but his gentle manner and calm disposition, traits that keep his clients coming back to him year after year, many becoming friends.
In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his high school sweetheart and wife of forty-seven years, so much so that he hired her to work the front desk in their office. He also loves to spend time with his children and grandchildren and golden retriever. His favorite past-time has always been boating and he will get out on the ocean whenever he gets a chance in the "off-season."
Gary is a very active member of the Bristol Elks Club, as he is both the Treasurer and a strong supporter of the organization and of all of their charitable efforts
* The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license is a certified public accountant who is licensed by a state board of accountancy. The CPA designation is issued to qualified accountants who: (i) have passed 150 semester hours of education or earned a graduate degree; (ii) successfully complete the CPA examination; (iii) successful completion of professional standards and responsibilities course; (iv) gain one year of relevant work experience.